Abstract representation of a Type object. Only applicable for some programming languages like TypeScript.
Inherits from
HasValue, HasBlock, Symbol, Expression, Usable, Editable, Importable, HasName
List of expressions defined in this Type object.
Returns the comment group associated with the symbol, if any.
Returns: CommentGroup | None: The comment group containing all comments associated with the symbol if it exists, None otherwise.
Returns list of all decorators on this Symbol.
Gets all decorators associated with a code entity (function, class, method).
Returns: list[TDecorator]: A list of Decorator objects. Empty list if no decorators are present.
Returns a list of symbols that this symbol depends on.
Returns a list of symbols (including imports) that this symbol directly depends on. The returned list is sorted by file location for consistent ordering.
Returns: list[Union[Symbol, Import]]: A list of symbols and imports that this symbol directly depends on, sorted by file location.
Retrieves the docstring of the expression.
Gets the docstring associated with this code object (e.g., function, class) as a CommentGroup. If no docstring exists, returns None.
Returns: CommentGroup | None: The docstring as a CommentGroup if it exists, None otherwise.
Returns a SymbolGroup of all extended nodes associated with this element.
Creates a SymbolGroup that provides a common interface for editing all extended nodes, such as decorators, modifiers, and comments associated with the element.
Args: None
Returns: SymbolGroup: A group containing this node and its extended nodes that allows batch modification through a common interface.
Returns a list of Editable nodes associated with this symbol, including extended symbols.
Extended symbols include export
, public
, decorator
, comments, and inline comments.
Args: self: The symbol instance.
Returns: list[Editable]: A list of Editable nodes containing the current symbol and its extended symbols, sorted in the correct order.
Returns the source text representation of all extended nodes.
Gets the source text of all extended nodes combined. This property allows reading the source text of all extended nodes (e.g. decorators, export statements) associated with this node.
Returns: str: The combined source text of all extended nodes.
The file object that this Editable instance belongs to.
Retrieves or caches the file object associated with this Editable instance.
Returns: File: The File object containing this Editable instance.
The file path of the file that this Editable instance belongs to.
Returns a string representing the absolute file path of the File that contains this Editable instance.
Returns: str: The absolute file path.
Returns the full name of the object, including the namespace path.
Returns the complete qualified name of an object, including any parent class or namespace paths. For class methods, this returns the parent class’s full name followed by the method name. For chained attributes (e.g., ‘a.b’), this returns the full chained name.
Args: None
Returns: str | None: The complete qualified name of the object. Returns None if no name is available. For class methods, returns ‘ParentClass.method_name’. For chained attributes, returns the full chain (e.g., ‘a.b’). For simple names, returns just the name.
Returns all function calls within the code block and its decorators.
Args: None
Returns: list[FunctionCall]: A sorted list of FunctionCall objects representing all function calls in the code block and its decorators. The list may contain duplicates.
Returns the inline comment group associated with the symbol, if any.
Returns: CommentGroup | None: The inline comment group object associated with the symbol, or None if no inline comment exists.
Returns whether the symbol has any decorators.
A helper method that checks if this symbol (a function, class, or method) has any decorators applied to it. This method is used to determine if code analysis or transformations should be applied based on the presence of decorators.
Returns: bool: True if the symbol has one or more decorators, False otherwise.
Retrieves the name of the object excluding any namespace prefixes.
Returns the “base” name of the object without any namespace or module prefix. For instance, for an object ‘a.b’, this method returns ‘b’.
Returns: str | None: The base name of the object as a string, or None if there is no associated name node.
Find the class this node is contained in
Find the function this node is contained in
Find the statement this node is contained in
Returns the resolved type of an Expression.
Returns the inferred type of the expression. For example a function call’s resolved value will be it’s definition.
Returns: Union[Expression, list[Expression]]: The resolved expression type(s). Returns a single Expression if there is only one resolved type, or a list of Expressions if there are multiple resolved types. Returns self if the expression is not resolvable or has no resolved types.
Returns the source code of the symbol.
Gets the source code of the symbol from its extended representation, which includes any comments, docstrings, access identifiers, or decorators.
Returns: str: The complete source code of the symbol including any extended nodes.
Gets the value node of the object.
Returns the value node of the object implementing the HasValue interface. This node can represent various types of values, such as list elements, dictionary values, or expressions.
Returns: Expression | None: The value node of the object. None if no value is set.
Returns Editables for all TreeSitter node instances of variable usages within this node’s scope.
This method finds all variable identifier nodes in the TreeSitter AST, excluding:
- Function names in function calls
- Import names in import statements
- Property access identifiers (except the base object)
- Keyword argument names (in Python and TypeScript)
This is useful for variable renaming and usage analysis within a scope.
Returns: list[Editable]: A list of Editable nodes representing variable usages. Each Editable corresponds to a TreeSitter node instance where the variable is referenced.
Adds a comment to the symbol.
Adds a comment to the top of a symbol. If a comment group already exists, the new comment will be appended to the existing comment group. If no comment group exists, a new comment group will be created.
Args: comment (str): The comment text to add.
Returns: None
Adds a decorator to a function or method.
Adds a new decorator to the symbol’s definition. The decorator is inserted before the first non-comment extended node with proper indentation.
Args: new_decorator (str): The decorator to add. Should be a complete decorator string including the ’@’ symbol. skip_if_exists (bool, optional): If True, will not add the decorator if it already exists. Defaults to False.
Returns: bool: True if the decorator was added, False if skipped due to existing decorator.
Insert a keyword in the appropriate place before this symbol if it doesn’t already exist.
This method adds a keyword (e.g., ‘public’, ‘async’, ‘static’) in the syntactically appropriate position relative to other keywords. If the keyword already exists, no action is taken.
Args: keyword (str): The keyword to be inserted. Must be a valid keyword in the language context.
Raises: AssertionError: If the provided keyword is not in the language’s valid keywords list.
Find all ancestors of the node of the given type. Does not return itself
Replace the source of this node with new_src.
Edits the source code of this node by replacing it with the provided new source code. If specified, the indentation of the new source can be adjusted to match the current text’s indentation.
Args: new_src (str): The new source code to replace the current source with. fix_indentation (bool): If True, adjusts the indentation of new_src to match the current text’s indentation. Defaults to False. priority (int): The priority of this edit. Higher priority edits take precedence. Defaults to 0. dedupe (bool): If True, prevents duplicate edits. Defaults to True.
Returns: None
Find and return matching nodes or substrings within an Editable instance.
This method searches through the extended_nodes of the Editable instance and returns all nodes or substrings that match the given search criteria.
Args: strings_to_match (Union[list[str], str]): One or more strings to search for. exact (bool): If True, only return nodes whose source exactly matches one of the strings_to_match. If False, return nodes that contain any of the strings_to_match as substrings. Defaults to False.
Returns: list[Editable]: A list of Editable instances that match the search criteria.
Returns a list of string literals within this node’s source that match any of the given strings.
Args: strings_to_match (list[str]): A list of strings to search for in string literals. fuzzy_match (bool): If True, matches substrings within string literals. If False, only matches exact strings. Defaults to False.
Returns: list[Editable]: A list of Editable objects representing the matching string literals.
Adds a visual flag comment to the end of this Editable’s source text.
Flags this Editable by appending a comment with emoji flags at the end of its source text. This is useful for visually highlighting specific nodes in the source code during development and debugging.
Returns: None
Get attribute by name.
Returns the Name node of the object.
Retrieves the name node of the object which can be used for modification operations.
Returns: Name | ChainedAttribute | None: The name node of the object. Can be a Name node for simple names, a ChainedAttribute for names with namespaces (e.g., a.b), or None if the object has no name.
Returns Editables for all TreeSitter nodes corresponding to instances of variable usage that matches the given variable name.
Retrieves a list of variable usages that match a specified name, with an option for fuzzy matching. By default, excludes property identifiers and argument keywords.
Args: var_name (str): The variable name to search for. fuzzy_match (bool): If True, matches variables where var_name is a substring. If False, requires exact match. Defaults to False.
Returns: list[Editable]: List of Editable objects representing variable usage nodes matching the given name.
Inserts code after this node.
Args: new_src (str): The source code to insert after this node. fix_indentation (bool, optional): Whether to adjust the indentation of new_src to match the current node. Defaults to False. newline (bool, optional): Whether to add a newline before the new_src. Defaults to True. priority (int, optional): Priority of the insertion transaction. Defaults to 0. dedupe (bool, optional): Whether to deduplicate identical transactions. Defaults to True.
Returns: None
Inserts text before the current symbol node in the Abstract Syntax Tree.
Handles insertion of new source code before a symbol, with special handling for extended nodes like comments and decorators. The insertion can be done either before the symbol itself or before its extended nodes.
Args: new_src (str): The source code text to insert. fix_indentation (bool): Whether to adjust the indentation of new_src to match current text. Defaults to False. newline (bool): Whether to add a newline after insertion. Defaults to True. priority (int): Priority of this edit operation. Higher priority edits are applied first. Defaults to 0. dedupe (bool): Whether to remove duplicate insertions. Defaults to True. extended (bool): Whether to insert before extended nodes like comments and decorators. Defaults to True.
Returns: None
Check if this node is contained another node of the given class
Moves the given symbol to a new file and updates its imports and references.
This method moves a symbol to a new file and updates all references to that symbol throughout the codebase. The way imports are handled can be controlled via the strategy parameter.
Args: file (SourceFile): The destination file to move the symbol to. include_dependencies (bool): If True, moves all dependencies of the symbol to the new file. If False, adds imports for the dependencies. Defaults to True. strategy (str): The strategy to use for updating imports. Can be either ‘add_back_edge’ or ‘update_all_imports’. Defaults to ‘update_all_imports’.
- ‘add_back_edge’: Moves the symbol and adds an import in the original file
- ‘update_all_imports’: Updates all imports and usages of the symbol to reference the new file
Returns: None
Raises: AssertionError: If an invalid strategy is provided.
Find the first ancestor of the node of the given type. Does not return itself
Reduces an editable to the following condition
Deletes this Node and its related extended nodes (e.g. decorators, comments).
Removes the current node and its extended nodes (e.g. decorators, comments) from the codebase. After removing the node, it handles cleanup of any surrounding formatting based on the context.
Args: delete_formatting (bool): Whether to delete surrounding whitespace and formatting. Defaults to True. priority (int): Priority of the removal transaction. Higher priority transactions are executed first. Defaults to 0. dedupe (bool): Whether to deduplicate removal transactions at the same location. Defaults to True.
Returns: None
Renames the symbol and all its references in the codebase.
Renames a symbol to a new name and updates all references to that symbol throughout the codebase, including imports and call sites.
Args: new_name (str): The new name for the symbol. priority (int): Priority of the edit operation. Defaults to 0.
Returns: tuple[NodeId, NodeId]: A tuple containing the file node ID and the new node ID of the renamed symbol.
Search and replace occurrences of text within this node’s source and its extended nodes.
This method performs string replacement similar to Python’s string.replace(), with support for regex patterns. It operates on both the main node and any extended nodes (e.g. decorators, exports).
Args: old (str): The text or pattern to search for. new (str): The text to replace matches with. count (int, optional): Maximum number of replacements to make. Defaults to -1 (replace all). is_regex (bool, optional): Whether to treat ‘old’ as a regex pattern. Defaults to False. priority (int, optional): Priority of the replacement operation. Defaults to 0.
Returns: int: The total number of replacements made.
Raises: ValueError: If there are multiple occurrences of the substring in a node’s source.
Returns a list of all regex match of regex_pattern
, similar to python’s re.search().
Searches for matches of a regular expression pattern within the text of this node and its extended nodes.
Args: regex_pattern (str): The regular expression pattern to search for. include_strings (bool): When False, excludes the contents of string literals from the search. Defaults to True. include_comments (bool): When False, excludes the contents of comments from the search. Defaults to True.
Returns: list[Editable]: A list of Editable objects corresponding to the matches found.
Sets a comment to the symbol.
Updates or creates a comment for the symbol. If a comment already exists, it will be overridden. If no comment exists, a new comment group will be created.
Args: comment (str): The comment text to set.
Returns: None
Sets or updates the docstring for the current entity.
Modifies the entity’s docstring by either replacing an existing one or creating a new one.
Args: docstring (str): The new docstring content to set.
Returns: None: This method doesn’t return anything.
Sets an inline comment to the symbol.
Adds or updates an inline comment for the symbol with the provided text. If an inline comment already exists, it will be overridden. If no inline comment exists, a new inline comment will be created.
Args: comment (str): The text of the inline comment to be added or updated.
Returns: None
Sets the name of a code element.
Modifies the name of the object’s underlying name node. Works with both simple names and chained attributes (e.g., ‘a.b’).
Args: name (str): The new name to set for the object.
Returns: None
Sets the value of the node’s value Expression.
Updates the value of the underlying Expression node if it exists. No action is taken if the value node is None.
Args: value (str): The new value to set.
Returns: None
Returns a list of symbols that use the exportable object or import it. Returns symbols that use this exportable object, including imports that import this exportable object. By default, returns all usages. This shows where this symbol is imported, but not where it is subsequently used.
Args: usage_types: The types of usages to search for. Defaults to any.
- DIRECT: Direct uses of the symbol
- CHAINED: Uses through method/attribute chains
- INDIRECT: Uses through renamed imports
- ALIASED: Uses through aliases
Returns: list[Import | Symbol | Export]: A list of symbols that use this exportable object, including imports that import it.
Note: This method can be called as both a property or a method. If used as a property, it is equivalent to invoking it without arguments.
Returns a list of usages of the exportable object.
Retrieves a list of all locations where the exportable object is used in the codebase. By default, returns all usages, such as imports or references within the same file.
Args: usage_types: Specifies which types of usages to include in the results. Default is any usages. (graph_sitter.core.dataclasses.usage.UsageType)
Returns: list[Usage]: A sorted list of Usage objects representing where this exportable is used, ordered by source location in reverse.
Raises: ValueError: If no usage types are specified or if only ALIASED and DIRECT types are specified together.
Note: This method can be called as both a property or a method. If used as a property, it is equivalent to invoking it without arguments.
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