This document explains how to work with local variables in Codegen.


Through the CodeBlock class, Codegen exposes APIs for analyzing and manipulating local variables within code blocks.

Basic Usage

Every code block (function body, loop body, etc.) provides access to its local variables:

# Get all local variables in a function
function = codebase.get_function("process_data")
local_vars = function.code_block.local_var_assignments
for var in local_vars:

# Find a specific variable
config_var = function.code_block.get_local_var_assignment("config")
config_var.rename("settings")  # Updates all references safely

# Rename a variable used in this scope (but not necessarily declared here)
function.rename_local_variable("foo", "bar")

Fuzzy Matching

Codegen supports fuzzy matching when searching for local variables. This allows you to find variables whose names contain a substring, rather than requiring exact matches:

# Get all local variables containing "config"
function = codebase.get_function("process_data")

# Exact match - only finds variables named exactly "config"
exact_matches = function.code_block.get_local_var_assignments("config")
# Returns: config = {...}

# Fuzzy match - finds any variable containing "config"
fuzzy_matches = function.code_block.get_local_var_assignments("config", fuzzy_match=True)
# Returns: config = {...}, app_config = {...}, config_settings = {...}

# Fuzzy matching also works for variable usages
usages = function.code_block.get_variable_usages("config", fuzzy_match=True)

# And for renaming variables
function.code_block.rename_variable_usages("config", "settings", fuzzy_match=True)
# Renames: config -> settings, app_config -> app_settings, config_settings -> settings_settings

Be careful with fuzzy matching when renaming variables, as it will replace the matched substring in all variable names. This might lead to unintended renames like config_settings becoming settings_settings.