Codegen SDK provides powerful APIs for modernizing React codebases. This guide will walk you through common React modernization patterns.

Common use cases include:

  • Upgrading to modern APIs, including React 18+
  • Automatically memoizing components
  • Converting to modern hooks
  • Standardizing prop types
  • Organizing components into individual files

and much more.

Converting Class Components to Functions

Here’s how to convert React class components to functional components:

# Find all React class components
for class_def in codebase.classes:
    # Skip if not a React component
    if not class_def.is_jsx or "Component" not in [ for base in class_def.bases]:

    print(f"Converting {} to functional component")

    # Extract state from constructor
    constructor = class_def.get_method("constructor")
    state_properties = []
    if constructor:
        for statement in constructor.code_block.statements:
            if "this.state" in statement.source:
                # Extract state properties
                state_properties = [prop.strip() for prop in

    # Create useState hooks for each state property
    state_hooks = []
    for prop in state_properties:
        hook_name = f"[{prop}, set{prop[0].upper()}{prop[1:]}]"
        state_hooks.append(f"const {hook_name} = useState(null);")

    # Convert lifecycle methods to effects
    effects = []
    if class_def.get_method("componentDidMount"):
    useEffect(() => {
        // TODO: Move componentDidMount logic here
    }, []);

    if class_def.get_method("componentDidUpdate"):
    useEffect(() => {
        // TODO: Move componentDidUpdate logic here

    # Get the render method
    render_method = class_def.get_method("render")

    # Create the functional component
    func_component = f"""
const {} = ({class_def.get_method("render").parameters[0].name}) => {{


    # Replace the class with the functional component

    # Add required imports
    file = class_def.file
    if not any("useState" in imp.source for imp in file.imports):
        file.add_import_from_import_string("import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';")

Migrating to Modern Hooks

Convert legacy patterns to modern React hooks:

# Find components using legacy patterns
for function in codebase.functions:
    if not function.is_jsx:

    # Look for common legacy patterns
    for call in function.function_calls:
        # Convert withRouter to useNavigate
        if == "withRouter":
            # Add useNavigate import
                "import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';"
            # Add navigate hook
            function.insert_before_first_return("const navigate = useNavigate();")
            # Replace history.push calls
            for history_call in function.function_calls:
                if "history.push" in history_call.source:
                        history_call.source.replace("history.push", "navigate")

        # Convert lifecycle methods in hooks
        elif == "componentDidMount":
useEffect(() => {
    // Your componentDidMount logic here
}, []);

Standardizing Props

Inferring Props from Usage

Add proper prop types and TypeScript interfaces based on how props are used:

# Add TypeScript interfaces for props
for function in codebase.functions:
    if not function.is_jsx:

    # Get props parameter
    props_param = function.parameters[0] if function.parameters else None
    if not props_param:

    # Collect used props
    used_props = set()
    for prop_access in function.function_calls:
        if f"{}." in prop_access.source:
            prop_name = prop_access.source.split(".")[1]

    # Create interface
    if used_props:
        interface_def = f"""
interface {}Props {{
    {chr(10).join(f'    {prop}: any;' for prop in used_props)}
        # Update function signature
            f"({}: {}Props)"

Extracting Inline Props

Convert inline prop type definitions to separate type declarations:

# Iterate over all files in the codebase
for file in codebase.files:
    # Iterate over all functions in the file
    for function in file.functions:
        # Check if the function is a React functional component
        if function.is_jsx:  # Assuming is_jsx indicates a function component
            # Check if the function has inline props definition
            if len(function.parameters) == 1 and isinstance(function.parameters[0].type, Dict):
                # Extract the inline prop type
                inline_props: TSObjectType = function.parameters[0].type.source
                # Create a new type definition for the props
                props_type_name = f"{}Props"
                props_type_definition = f"type {props_type_name} = {inline_props};"

                # Set the new type for the parameter
                # Add the new type definition to the file
                function.insert_before('\n' + props_type_definition + '\n')

This will convert components from:

function UserCard({ name, age }: { name: string; age: number }) {
  return (
      {name} ({age})


type UserCardProps = { name: string; age: number };

function UserCard({ name, age }: UserCardProps) {
  return (
      {name} ({age})

Extracting prop types makes them reusable and easier to maintain. It also improves code readability by separating type definitions from component logic.

Updating Fragment Syntax

Modernize React Fragment syntax:

for function in codebase.functions:
    if not function.is_jsx:

    # Replace React.Fragment with <>
    for element in function.jsx_elements:
        if == "React.Fragment":

Organizing Components into Individual Files

A common modernization task is splitting files with multiple components into a more maintainable structure where each component has its own file. This is especially useful when modernizing legacy React codebases that might have grown organically.

# Initialize a dictionary to store files and their corresponding JSX components
files_with_jsx_components = {}

# Iterate through all files in the codebase
for file in codebase.files:
    # Check if the file is in the components directory
    if 'components' not in file.filepath:

    # Count the number of JSX components in the file
    jsx_count = sum(1 for function in file.functions if function.is_jsx)

    # Only proceed if there are multiple JSX components
    if jsx_count > 1:
        # Identify non-default exported components
        non_default_components = [
            func for func in file.functions
            if func.is_jsx and not func.is_exported
        default_components = [
            func for func in file.functions
            if func.is_jsx and func.is_exported and func.export.is_default_export()

        # Log the file path and its components
        print(f"📁 {file.filepath}:")
        for component in default_components:
            print(f"  🟢 {} (default)")
        for component in non_default_components:
            print(f"  🔵 {}")

            # Create a new directory path based on the original file's directory
            new_dir_path = "/".join(file.filepath.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" +".")[0]
            codebase.create_directory(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True)

            # Create a new file path for the component
            new_file_path = f"{new_dir_path}/{}.tsx"
            new_file = codebase.create_file(new_file_path)

            # Log the movement of the component
            print(f"    🫸 Moved to: {new_file_path}")

            # Move the component to the new file
            component.move_to_file(new_file, strategy="add_back_edge")

This script will:

  1. Find files containing multiple React components
  2. Create a new directory structure based on the original file
  3. Move each non-default exported component to its own file
  4. Preserve imports and dependencies automatically
  5. Keep default exports in their original location

For example, given this structure:

  Forms.tsx  # Contains Button, Input, Form (default)

It will create:

  Forms.tsx  # Contains Form (default)

The strategy="add_back_edge" parameter ensures that any components that were previously co-located can still import each other without circular dependencies. Learn more about moving code here.

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